Sponsor a Haven Trainee
Thank you for considering sponsoring one of our young people. Sadly, as in many societies, there can be hindrances to employment or prospects when you are born into an ethnic culture or minority group that is not favoured.
It is in fact precisely because of the difficulties that marginalised groups experience that we have very strict guidelines in place for our children’s homes.
Filling a children’s home in Thailand is not difficult therefore we made the decision many years ago that we would only offer homes to those that are from the most desperate and vulnerable environments.
And as we have mentioned previously, our commitment to these children is for a lifetime.

The Traineeship we offer is a two year program.
Our Mentors work alongside trainees to ensure that:
They meet the required competencies or standards for their training.
Learn how to operate as a business owner or manager.
Learn Book keeping
Their business produces a profit
They are able to financially support themselves
They are able to function independently as a business.
They are able to train others in the same role.
We currently offer Traineeships in the following areas – click on the titles below for more information :
The Haven Cafe
(includes: Events Management, hygiene, catering, meal preparation & planning) -
King’s Banners – Printing & Design
IT (includes graphics, website design, admin)
Night Bazaar – Business Trainees (sales and distribution)
Please consider sponsoring our young trainees in their chosen vocation